Workplace Accident

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Phoenix Workplace Accident Lawyer

No matter your injury, you should never feel too embarrassed or intimidated to contact a workplace accident lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona. Workplace accidents happen – no matter what your job – and you should never hesitate to get the proper medical care you deserve.  The same rule applies to collecting compensation for your injury: even if an injury seems innocent and minor, it could still develop into something much more intensive and dangerous.

While workplace accidents can happen anywhere, they’re oftentimes associated with certain jobs or professions: construction, metalworking, and anything else that involves heavy machinery, hazardous materials, and tasks that can result in injury without the proper safety precautions. Job sites in these fields are typically high-risk, but it doesn’t mean these jobs are the only places where you can find workplace accidents.

Workplace Accidents in the Office

If you work in an office, you can still get hurt. Workplace accidents happen anywhere, not just in factories, warehouses, or construction sites. While you might not face the same risks that come with operating heavy machinery as an office worker, you face other injuries that you might not always think about.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common workplace-related injuries for those who work in offices. It affects countless employees every year and is caused by pressure put on the median nerve, which sits on the underside of your wrist. It can also be caused by repetitive hand motions or the shape of your wrist. The symptoms are typically numbness or a tingling sensation in the hands.
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: When the nerves and blood vessels between your collarbone and first rib get compressed, it can cause thoracic outlet syndrome. Thoracic outlet syndrome causes pain in your shoulders and neck and can also cause numbness in your fingers. You might also experience a weakened grip.
  • Insufficient Lighting and Poor Workstation Ergonomics: While carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome can both be traced to definitive causes, the effects of insufficient lighting and poor ergonomics can be much more varied. Eye strain, back pain, and even slip and fall injuries can happen in an office environment and may result in steep medical bills.

Why You Should Contact a Workplace Accident Lawyer

You might work in an office, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe from injury. And if you experience a workplace accident, you shouldn’t be treated any differently than anyone from other job sites. Recovering from a workplace accident can be a long and difficult process, which may include steep medical bills, lost wages, and a lengthy rehabilitation period. Fortunately, a workplace accident lawyer in Phoenix, AZ, can help you get the compensation you deserve so you can move on from your injury.

No matter the cause or the case, a workplace accident lawyer can walk you through the complicated legal process of pursuing a workplace accident claim. They can also ensure you get the compensation you deserve, so you won’t have to worry about making ends meet while you recover. If you’ve been injured in an office, a workplace accident lawyer is a valuable ally. But not all of them are created equal, and you need a lawyer who’s as dedicated to your recovery as you are.

The Freddy Saavedra Difference

You don’t have to face your workplace injury alone. Freddy Saavedra is committed to every client that contacts him about a workplace accident claim, and he provides personalized case management, so you aren’t stuck with cookie-cutter solutions. Every case is different, and Freddy Saavedra knows it.

Contacting a workplace accident lawyer in Phoenix, AZ, is just the first step in ensuring your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. Get in touch with Freddy Saavedra today for a free consultation, and get the compensation you deserve.

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