Fatal Bus Collisions

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Phoenix Fatal Bus Collisions Lawyer

Buses are an integral part of how cities run as smoothly as they do, and despite everything, fatal bus collision lawyers in Phoenix, AZ, still have to exist. Buses are an essential form of public transportation for many people, and while the regulations are strict, accidents can still happen. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in 2020, there were more than 100,500 registered buses operating in the United States.

When bus collisions happen, the results can be disastrous at best. This is where our experienced lawyers at Saavedra Law Firm, PLC, come in to help you get the most out of your case. Taking on a bus collision can be difficult, and that is why an experienced lawyer is key. If you’ve lost someone to a bus collision, you know just how disastrous this type of case can be. 

Bus Accidents Are Different From Car Accidents

While both are classed as accidents, the difference between the two is vast. It comes down to these four things on why a bus collision is often worse than when two cars collide: 

  • Size – If you look at a bus, you know that they are massive and they weigh more than even the largest SUV out there. While they don’t weigh as much as a big rig, they still can pack a punch if you were to get into a collision with them. Because of their size, the accident can lead to more serious injuries and damages than in the case of a typical car collision. 
  • Quantity of People – Since the bus is a public form of transport, there are often more than two people on the bus at a time. The driver of the bus is responsible for the safety of everyone on board. When a bus gets into an accident, the risk of injury is higher because of the number of people involved. 
  • Safety – Buses are fairly safe as there are serious regulations that they must pass in order to get onto the road. However, one of the biggest issues with buses is they often don’t have seatbelts. If they do, passengers aren’t legally required to wear them. In a car, you are legally required to wear your seatbelt and for good reason. If a car were to have a rollover, the driver and passengers could walk away with minor injuries because of the seatbelt. On a bus, the passengers have a high chance of suffering catastrophic injuries because of no seatbelts keeping them in the seats. 
  • Responsibility – We’ve already stated that the driver of the bus is responsible for the passengers, but it goes beyond that. A bus collision can have multiple responsible parties, and you can bet they will have their own set of lawyers at the ready to prove they weren’t liable. This can get confusing fast, and that is why an experienced lawyer is important to help you navigate through all the legality of who is responsible for the collision. 

Having a fatal bus collisions lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona, is a great idea when you have lost a loved one to a fatal bus collision. While the team here at Saavedra Law Firm, PLC can’t bring your loved one back, we can do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you deserve and help make the road safer for others. If you are still unsure of how we can help you, don’t hesitate to reach out today and get your consultation. 

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